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AKT5 Reading materials

A list of AKT5 reading materials

Knowledge bases for published articles

Waliszewski, W.S., Oppong, S., Hall, J.B., and Sinclair, F.L. (2005) Implications of local knowledge of the ecology of a wild super sweetener for its domestication and commercialisation in west and central Africa . Economic Botany.

Also see the Ego user guide

The ego knowledge bases:

  1. Download and unzip the knowledge base.
  2. Save it in a folder on your hardrive
  3. The knowledge base can only be loaded from inside AKT5 . See notes on opening knowledge bases


Core References

Sinclair, F.L. and Walker, D.H. (1998). Acquiring qualitative knowledge about complex agroecosystems. Part 1: Representation as natural language. Agricultural Systems, 56(3): 341-363.

Walker, D.H. and Sinclair, F.L. (1998). Acquiring qualitative knowledge about complex agroecosystems. Part 2: formal representation. Agricultural Systems 56(3):365-386.

Kendon, G., Walker, D.H., Robertson, D., Haggith, M., Sinclair, F.L. and Muetzelfeldt, R.I. (1995) Supporting customised reasoning in the agroforestry domain. New Review of Applied Expert Systems 1: 179-192

Walker, D.H., Sinclair, F.L. and Kendon, G., (1995). A knowledge based systems approach to agroforestry research and extension. AI Applications 9 (3): 61-72 .

Dixon, H., Doores, J.W., Joshi, L., and Sinclair, F.L. (1999) Agroforestry Knowledge Toolkit for Windows: methodological guidelines, computer software and manual for WinAKT. School of Agricultural and Forest Sciences, University of Wales, Bangor


Sinclair, F.L. and Joshi, L. (2001) Taking local knowledge about trees seriously.   In: A. Lawrence (ed) Forestry, forest users and research: new ways of learning.   ETFRN, Wageningen, pp. 45-61

Thorne, P.J., Subba, D.B., Walker, D.H., Thapa, B., Wood, C.D. and Sinclair, F.L. (1999) The basis of indigenous knowledge of tree fodder quality and its implications for improving the use of tree fodder in developing countries. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 81: 119-131

Thapa, B., Sinclair, F.L., and Walker, D.H., (1995) Incorporation of indigenous knowledge and perspectives in agroforestry development. Part Two: Case-study on the impact of explicit representation of farmers' knowledge. Agroforestry Systems 30: 249 - 261.


Recent References

Cerdan, C. R.; Rebolledo, M.C.; Soto, G.; Rapidel, B. and Sinclair F.L. (2012) Local knowledge of impacts of tree cover on ecosystem services in smallholder coffee production systems. Agricultural Systems 110: 119-130.

Obiri, B.D., Bright, G., McDonald, M., Jatango, J.A., Cobbina, J. and Sinclair, F. (2007) The economic potential and farmer perceptions of herbaceous legume fallows in Ghana. Experimental Agriculture 43: 269-287.

Sinclair, F.L. and Hitinayake, H.M.G.S.B. (2000) Ecosystem services of forest gardens in Sri Lanka.  In: Price, M. and Butt, N. (eds).  Forests in sustainable mountain development: a state-of-knowledge report for 2000.  CAB International, Wallingford pp 153-155.

Soto-Pinto, L., Villavaza-López, V., Jiménez-Ferrer, G., Ramírez-Marcial, N., Montoya, G. and Sinclair, F.L. (2007) The role of local knowledge in determining shade composition of multistrata coffee systems in Chiapas, Mexico. Biodiversity and Conservation 16, pp. 419-436.

Waliszewski, W.S., Oppong, S., Hall, J.B., and Sinclair, F.L. (2005) Implications of local knowledge of the ecology of a wild super sweetener for its domestication and commercialisation in west and central Africa. Economic Botany.


User Guides

A number of guides have been developed to lead users through knowledge bases and present key results. The guides were designed to assist new users of the AKT5 software to explore local knowledge that has been documented over the last few years. They are not intended to guide users through the creation of their own knowledge bases - have a look at the AKT5 manual for instructions on how to do this.

All the guides are in PDF format

Ghana Guide and its associated knowledge bases (Atwima, Soil, Cover crops, Yabraso, Peri-urban Kumasi and Oda)

Thailand Guide and its associated knowledge bases (maetonlaung, maetonlaung2 )

Indonesia Guide and its associated knowledge base (sisipan )

The Ego guidebook and its associated knowledge bases (ego, local perceptions of factors affecting ego growth rate)

To examine a knowledge base:

  1. Download and unzip the knowledge base.
  2. Save it in a folder on your hardrive
  3. The knowledge base can only be loaded from inside AKT5. Load the AKT5 program onto your computer by clicking on the appropriate icon from the start menu
  4. Once the AKT5 program is open select OK
  5. From the main toolbar select KB
  6. Open the knowledge base by choosing Open Kb…
  7. You will need to browse to the folder where you saved the knowledge base. Highlight it and click on Open.
  8. The knowledge base will now open and you will see the Welcome Dialogue Box


Nepal, 2004; Uganda, 2014

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